Saturday, September 17, 2011

Decisions, Decisions....

I have noticed over the past few days that the beginning processes of adopting is this: DECISIONS!

What sex of child do we want, a boy or girl? (this one has been decided! It's a boy!) What age range to we want? What agencies are reliable and which to use? What country do we want to adopt from? Do we adopt a special needs child?

And although some decisions are sliding into focus, it feels like we should be taking more defined steps forward, but somehow, I have felt stuck in decision mode.

This morning as I lay praying and thanking the LORD for all the insanity in my life right now, I realized that these decisions are just as much part of the process as all the upcoming stacks and stacks of paperwork that we will be filling out soon. I also realized that the LORD will provide all we need, will place the perfect child into our hearts and eventually into our lives as we travel this road. In essence, He will guide our decisions.

So as is, we are still in decision mode and need prayer for the LORD's guidance towards the child that He has ordained for us.

My excitement and fears of undertaking an unknown of this magnitude are abundant! I have already fallen in love with a child that I have never met and pray that the LORD will soon bring all answers to us, make our path through the maze of processing, selecting and waiting as smooth as possible so that my son will be home to us sooner than later!

God bless those who are praying and supporting us on our adventurous journey of adopting!
