Sunday, February 12, 2012

There Are No Coincidences

It's been so busy that I haven't had the time (and sometimes the energy) to blog lately. But wanted to update those who haven't heard on our exciting news:

I don't believe in coincidences. I think when something amazing happens, it is God throwing open a door where one had been closed previously. So often He does not get the credit or glory for it.

Let me share one of God's miraculous 'coincidences' with you all that has happened within the last month since the previous post:

One of Daniel's greatest issues with the entire adoption process was that we don't get to 'pick' our child. He was hoping to identify a child when we go on a missions trip with Shadow Mountain Church to Haiti in November. He simply misunderstood the referral process. After the Homestudy process is complete (hopefully the beginning of March), we will get a picture and information on a child the agency and orphange think would be a good match to our family and, hypothetically, we could reject that child, but that only means the waiting process starts all over again. I can't tell you how much this hurts my heart when I think of 'Oscar' waiting for us longer, and us waiting to bring him home.

So after a full day (January 19) of talking, praying, talking, asking God what to do, talking, arguing, get the point, I realized that if I have to wait longer, I will have to wait longer. Daniel MUST be comfortable, bond and connect with the child we select. I had to come to terms that I am not driving this adoption bus, God is. If His work in Daniel took longer, I had to exercise patience.

Miracle in the works:

THE NEXT DAY, (Jan. 20th) I received and email from America World (our adoption agency) with information on an upcoming trip to Haiti. During this trip a group of 20 would spend time at America Worlds PARTNER orphanage, playing, interacting and spending time with the children. We would also get to do small projects around the orphanage if needed. America World wanted to offer spots on the trip to families adopting from Haiti before opening up and advertising the trip to others.

PARTNER ORPHANAGE???? Um, THE orphanage that our 'Oscar' will come from??? I sat stunned looking at the email. The enormity of the email struck me immediately.

Playing and interacting with the children. Among the approximately 80 children that the orphanage houses, there is 'Oscar.' These will be the children that our referral comes from!

I believe God knew Daniel needed to visually see and bond with the children. He opened an opportunity that not only will allow Daniel to feel comfortable with our choice, but is giving us an opportunity as a couple to meet and spend time with our child.

There are no coincidences. There are only doors and opportunities that God puts before us. We jumped at the chance and I emailed Michelle at America World and said YES!

So now the journey of prepping for an upcoming trip (March 25 thru March 30) to Haiti begins. God has opened the door. I won't lie. I'm petrified. I've never been out of the US. I've never seen poverty on such a devastating level. I've never met an orphan in my life. I'm uncomfortable. Daniel is scared.

But we will go. God never said it would be easy. But when He calls, we go. We are scared, but we obey.

As we draw closer to completing our homestudy and dossier, things are picking up speed and 'Oscar' is becoming more than just a name that I gave so that my kids could identify. He's becoming real. He's becoming family. The unknown of it all is scary...but we are walking through God's open door.

God Bless,
